People-first 360 feedback software

Your team deserves honest and actionable performance conversations.

  • Gather rich and meaningful feedback – not just a score
  • Great value and easy to use
  • Perfect for organisations of all sizes
  • Free Trial – no credit card required

Trusted by

University of Oxford
Bristol City Council
"AdviceSheet is totally different from your average employee survey tool. We found its questions to be searching and demand thoughtful answers. If you want a simple 1-10 survey then go elsewhere, but if you want to get under the surface and understand what is going on for your team and why they feel the way they do, then AdviceSheet is a great tool to use."
Nicky Forsyth
Partner Director, Breathe

How does it work?

Start a Review

Create a review for yourself, a colleague or a team. It only takes a few seconds to set up. You just need an email address.

Nominate Participants

Invite peers, managers, reports and others to a short reflective survey. We'll help them provide rich, meaningful feedback and advice that's purely qualitative and completely anonymous. Check in on progress, and provide subjects and their nominees with extra nudges if they need them. We'll make sure no one gets overwhelmed with reminder emails.

Discuss the Results

Reports are confidential, for the subject's eyes only. We recommend they share it with a trusted coach, colleague, or manager. Then they can have the honest conversations they most need to help them develop and grow. Answers from the surveys are anonymised, randomised and can be download as a PDF for easy reading offline.

"Taking a whole slice of a service gave an additional dimension and felt like a really good alternative way of using the tool - spotting cultural patterns, etc"

Sarah Johnston
Director, RedQuadrant

"AdviceSheet has provided some great insight for the team and myself. Having all taken the survey, the general consensus was that we were able to learn a lot not just about ourselves personally but also how to work better as a team. The questions are thought-provoking, making you sit back and really think about your answers before submitting them – a vital part for a 360 tool."

Louise Aldous-Critchley
Partner Project Manager, Breathe

“We focused on perceptions, and the constructive advice people had given in their feedback. It was a really positive experience.”


"It is a great personal development tool for getting a better understanding of your strengths and areas for development."

Sally Drewett
Organisational Development, Bristol City Council